do go there to experience it yourself!

... do go there to experience it yourself!

Hector Navidad Martinez from Spain, Winter Semester 2008/2009

Hello, my name is Hector and I spent the winter semester 2008/09 at RheinAhrCampus studying Logistics and E-Business. At the beginning it was quite difficult for me because my level of German was not so good, but I had always the support from the international office, who helped me during all my stay here. At the beginning it was difficult for me to understand the classes, but after some months I was able to understand the classes normally.

Remagen is a small city situated on the Rhine, a very interesting place to visit and the perfect place to relax and concentrate on your studies. If Remagen is not enough for you, you can go to Bonn, Coblence or Cologne, big cities that are between 20 and 50 minutes from Remagen. I stayed in the students residence just two minutes from the university, it is a comfortable place and here I met very nice people.

During the weekends we used to go to Koblenz to have parties and try some of the German beers, but after visiting Cologne I decided that this was the place to party for me. There I met a lot of friendly people and Cologne has become my second home here in Germany during the weekends.

The only advice I can give to you is that you have to come here to experience it, because I find it impossible to explain this feeling in words.

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