Go on, apply for an exchanges semester at RheinAhrCampus

Go on, apply for an exchanges semester at RheinAhrCampus

Juliane Hollaender from CEUS, Denmark, Summer Semester 2008


My name is Juliane and I am a student from Denmark. During the summer semester 2008, I spent an Erasmus semester at the RheinAhrCampus in Remagen. When I finished my semester, I was asked by the team of Languages/International Affairs to write a short text for their homepage about the experience I had in Remagen.

So I sat down and thought about what I should write. Different topics came to my mind and I started to make a list about my writing ideas: 

  • How easy it was to get involved in the Erasmus programme. 
  • To be accepted as a Free Mover student at the RheinAhrCampus without any difficulties. 
  • The incredibly good help from the team of Languages/International Affairs in all matters. Especially when talking about getting involved in the right ECTS courses and finding accommodation close to the campus in student residences. 
  • How quickly I found new friends and how fast I became a member of different sports clubs on campus. 
  • The many offers for Erasmus students when being new on campus, which include the German lessons, trips to other cities, the opportunity to meet other international students and many more offers. 
  • How great it is to live in a well-equipped student dormitory right next to the campus, to have your own bathroom and kitchenette and having contact to my family and friends at home by using the free internet access. 
  • How supportive it was to always have someone at the International Office to talk to when problems arose. 
  • The possibility to get to the cities of Koblenz, Bonn or Cologne in less than an hour. 
  • The fact that the professors were very helpful solving problems with the timetable or when having difficulties with the syllabus could be another point to mention. 
  • And that the campus is just ten years old and as a result very well equipped and in an outstanding situation compared to other universities.

After compiling this long list of ideas, I sat down in front of my computer and started thinking: How could I possibly write a small paragraph out of this long list of important facts? Moreover, if I thought a little bit longer, I could write even more about the great aspects of studying at RheinAhrCampus.

So I decided to write down just one very important thing to remember for all future international (and national) students: get in contact with the team of Languages/International Affairs as quickly as you can, apply for an exchange semester and receive the chance to study and live at one of the best campuses in Germany!

If I had the opportunity again, I would come back immediately and do another fantastic semester abroad!

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