My RheinAhrCampus and Remagen

My RheinAhrCAmpus and Remagen

Michal Swiatek from Poland, Winter Semester 2008/2009

Remagen is a small city between Koblenz and Bonn with very polite people. Here I found a quiet and calm place to have a relaxing time and to study hard.

RheinAhrCampus itself is a beautiful modern university with an up-to-date computer lab and library and very good food in the student canteen.

At the beginning of my stay here, I got much help with organizational things so I didn’t have any problems.

Classes and seminars were very interesting and I learned many new things. Professors have different ways to lead their classes, so my range of experiences now is much wider. At the university and in the student residence I also met friendly people, and I spent great times with them during my stay. Thanks to the International Office we had the opportunity to see new places because there were trips around the region organized for us. I hope that everyone who comes here will have such good experiences and memories as I have.

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